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Monday, March 5, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mike Resnick

Today is Mike Resnick's birthday.

I can't believe I've never, to my knowledge, read anything by him. I've got tons of science fiction on my bookshelves, but apparently nothing by him.

This, in itself, is only mildly surprising. Add in that the man has won not one, not two, but five Hugo awards, and it becomes a minor crime.

The situation is elevated, and I mean more than a little bit, to a "sin against humanity" when I realize that two of these Hugos were won when I was a single man (a phrase which here means "back when I was reading more SF than any other kind of book!")

Sins against humanity? Good thing I write this blog under a pseudonym! (What? You thought Techsplorer was my real name?)

All I can say to absolve myself is that the next time I'm wondering what to read next, I know who I'll be reading! (I just counted his Hugo nominations at his Wikipedia entry—he has been nominated an unbelievable 28 times.)