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Thursday, March 1, 2007

A New (If Somewhat Morbid) Posting Idea

I've decided to begin each month by going to the Dead People Server and write about the authors who have passed in the last month. I also have an idea for a less morbid (and more frequently updated) topic that I'll share in my next post.

Perhaps it's because it is a short month, but we were fortunate not too lose too many authors in February.

In fact, the only author listed is Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., a multiple Pulitzer winner. His first Pulitzer was for The Age of Jackson.

He is, however, probably much more famous for A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House, for which he won his second Pulitzer.

It has been more than a thousand days (more than thirty years, I believe), since I read A Thousand Days (my senior year at Somersworth (NH) High School), but I remember liking it a great deal.

So here's your chance to pay tribute to a fallen author and read this book! And if you do, please feel free to share with us all here what you thought! As soon as I have time, I'll have to re-read it myself.


Shelly said...

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Thanks, Shelly